Cinema is at our heart as inspiration for what we do.

There are two models of the machine gun with barrel lengths of 415 mm and 590 mm.

The machine gun allows for a large volume of fire when fed from 100/200-round belts.

Core technical and performance specifications:

-Cartridge used, mm: 5.45x39

-Feeding type: belt-fed

-Ammo box capacity, rounds: 100, 200

-Weight, long barrel, no ammo box, belt, silencer, front grip attached, kg: 5.5 max

-Total length, mm:

-with a 590-mm barrel: 1100

-with a 415-mm barrel: 950

Kalashnikov presented the first prototype of the RPL-20 belt-fed machine gun

at the Army 2020 international military and technical forum.